Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NSTU strike and Bill 148

So the NSTU has voted in favor (by 96%) to strike. While, as a union, they have a certain right to strike our children also have a right to a public education. These two "rights" are in direct conflict during this kind of situation. Parents will fall on either side of the fence, they will either support teachers or their child's right to an education. You simply cannot have it both ways.
Some would argue that by supporting teachers, you support children's education. But if you peel away WHY the teachers are voting to strike  it becomes clear this has very little to do with a child's education and more to do with money and teacher's free time.
Teacher's reasons to strike #1: Service Awards!
Again and again I hear that this is a non negotiable issue for the teachers. The service award is a pay out (of upwards of $20, 000) at the conclusion of a teacher's career. It has absolutely nothing to do with how well they met the curriculum outcomes for which they were assigned each year, or how successful their students were. It amounts to a time-served in the union award. In addition to their hefty pension plan I certainly don't want my tax dollars giving them a huge good bye present when they retire.
Teacher's reasons to strike #2: The Workload!
A big complaint is the addition of extra student tracking responsibilities "forced" on the teachers. This whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. How can any teacher think that enhanced student tracking, which would lead to identifying student's needs and strengths that could be addressed in the classroom would be a bad thing? Apparently being accountable for how well they do their job is too much for teachers to handle.
Teacher's reasons to strike #3: No Time!
But wait teachers will cry. While they are tracking students they don't have time to modify lesson plans, or provide extra support during recess and lunch hours! Perhaps all of those PD days that happen once per month could be used as program planning days where you go through your curriculum and modify it based on the needs of your students? Or maybe use one of your off periods during the day, or any one of those March break days...or a day or two during summer vacation?? My point is that they do have the time. It's called time management.
Teacher's reason to strike #4: Class Sizes!
This is one I can get behind, but at the same time this government has tried to cap class sizes. They can do more, as can the next government. It will take hiring more teachers and it isn't something one government mandate can fix. Steps are being taken, albeit slowly, but apparently that is not enough for the current roster of unionized teachers.

The government is thinking about employing Bill 148 which would effectively force teachers back to work. This keeps in line with the child's right to an education and not to be subject to the whims of a union. I, for one, support my child's right to an education and therefore Bill 148. As a parent of a child with some learning challenges I only see a walk out as a serious interruption in her education, one that I hope the government will take steps to prevent.